We utilize intermediate pyrolysis technology. Our system feeds the pyrolysis furnace with forest waste. With a precision control of residence time and a pyrolysis temperature (< 600°C), our main output product is high quality BioCarbon (approximately 90% C-fix) free of nearly all polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The process also produces an energy rich pyrolysis Syngas that can either be condensed to pyrolysis oil, combusted to heat or upgraded to bio-methane or hydrogen.
Our goal is to have large scale production by 2025 and by
2030 reach a production capacity of 150,000 tons of high quality BioCarbon. This corresponds to a significant part
of the Swedish steel industry’s need, in order to reach the
goal of fossil free steelproduction.

Our production facilities
Our demonstration plant is being used by national and international R&D projects.
We have received a government grant and support from the Swedish Jordbruksverket and the Swedish "Klimatklivet".
Several of our R&D projects are in cooperation with the industry and universities in Europe.
Our production plant produces HQ BioCarbon products for the metallurgic industry.
Current design capacity is apprx 5 000 tonnes BioCarbon/year and apprx 2 000 tonnes of pyrolysis oil/year.
Production capacity will be expanded with several new facilities to reach a capacity by 2030 of 150 000 tonnes of BioCarbon/year.

Our 5 step process secures quality and high carbon content
Feedstock Qualification & Preparation
The choice of residuals as feedstock is of utmost importance for the remaining process steps. Residuals should originate from certified and traceable sources. For the efficacy of the process a low-level humidity is advantageous. We only use residuals from Nordic stemwood, pine or spruce.
Pre-treatment (alternative by choice)
Dependent upon the type of feedstock or biomass, pre-processing treatment can be required. The level of humidity, particle size and shape defines the need for pre-treatment to be optimised for the remaining steps of pyrolysis. As one alternative, wooden pellets could be used with a homogenous shape and particle size, humidity and traceability.
The biomass is pyrolysed in a heated and inert (oxygen-free) process of approximately 600°C. The quality of the HQ BioCarbon output is controlled by factors such as temperature and residence time for biomass in process. Approximative yield of biomass to HQ BioCarbon is 20-25%.
Selective Condensation
The process for pyrolysis of biomass emits pyrolysis gas. The approximate biomass-to-gas yield is 60-70%. A selective condensation can be made to output a mix of BioOil and pyrolysis gas. Several post-processing steps can be added to eventually produce e.g. BioMethane (CH4) or Green Hydrogen (H2). All gas can be condensed to BioOil possible to post-process to fuel-additive quality.
Post-treatment and Packaging
To reduce BioCarbon's high reactivity, there are various means to lower it and make it easier and safer to handle. Envigas has developed several solutions and special routines to secure safe handling and transportation of BioCarbon.